
I am an engineer and researcher specializing in signal processing and artificial intelligence, as well as a Python developer. In academia, my focus has been on deep learning, learning theory, image and video compression, and inverse problems. Additionally, I am Co-Founder of Radiobooks, a startup that assists independent authors and self-learners in automatically converting their books into audiobooks using AI. Through this venture, I have gained knowledge in product development and Python DevOps.

Outside the scope of my scientific expertise, I dedicate my time to exploring philosophy, psychology, meditation, ethics, and social systems. I find joy in tackling problems holistically, drawing inspiration from both ancient and modern wisdom, and considering the entire pipeline from philosophical and scientific inquiry to practical application. I appreciate engaging in thoughtful discussions, being exposed to different points of view, and—when suitable—sharing the little I know with others.

Having started traveling at a young age, I've been fortunate to have explored more than 30 countries. I speak Portuguese and English fluently, have a conversational level of Spanish, and I can get by in French.

I'm actively seeking new job opportunities. However, please note that I will not be available between September 11 and December 11 this year, as I'll be attending a course on Buddhist philosophy and meditation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my profile.


📚 7 publications with over 300 citations in top-tier journals and conferences (IEEE, CVPR, ICCV), and 3 US patents.
💡 Contributed to the development of pioneering methods in neural image and video compression.
💡 Crafted novel algorithms for constructing sparse models and learning the activation functions of a neural network.
💻 Created the "Deep Splines" PyTorch package.
👥 Co-Founded Radiobooks—a startup that utilizes AI text-to-speech technology to make audiobooks more accessible to independent authors and self-learners.
💻 Built the back-end of a complex text-to-speech app.
🎓 MSc in Communication Systems at EPFL, specializing in Signal Processing and AI (top 3 of the class).


My expertise spans both theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning, deep learning, and signal processing, as well as Python development. Additionally, during my academic years, I honed valuable presentation, writing, and teaching skills, much of which I owe to Prof. Michael Unser. In DevOps, I have experience with Python, C, FastAPI, Pytest, PyTorch, CI/CD, Bash, Linux, MongoDB, Docker, Github Actions, Codecov, AWS, and Fly.io.


I completed my Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2016. I then moved abroad to pursue a Master's degree in Communication Systems at École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, specializing in Signals, Images, and Interfaces. During my Master's, I did a internship at Disney Research, Zurich, where I developed new algorithms for neural image and video compression. After the programme's completion, I joined EPFL's Biomedical Imaging Group, where I conducted research on regularization methods for deep learning and classical supervised learning, under the supervision of Professor Michael Unser. During this time, I was also a teaching assistant for the courses Signals and Systems I and Signals and Systems II. I then joined Radiobooks, a start-up that utilizes AI to convert books into audiobooks, in the role of Co-Founder and DevOps Engineer.

